Tag Archives: strategy

The flawed expectations of SaaS and APIs

SaaS is a powerful trend that can’t be denied. Great examples would be Salesforce making web delivery of CRM far less expensive and Workday smashing ERP paradigms at high speed. SaaS is a valuable way to increase innovation and lower cost by joining with the many others using the functionality of a single application being […]

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Three examples of new process strategy

There are three fundamental ways that companies can improve their processes in the coming decade: (1) expand the scope of work managed by a company to include customers, suppliers, and partners; (2) target the increasing amount of knowledge work; and (3) reduce cycle times to durations previously considered impossible (as I discussed in my last […]

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Internet fakery and protecting your brand

“Please do not vote for Obama.” That was the post that went up supposedly from Gaston Memorial Hospital in Gaston County, North Carolina. It wasn’t their post, and in fact, Gaston Memorial Hospital didn’t have a Facebook account of their own. Therein lies the problem: If we don’t claim our own identity, someone will happily claim […]

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Gartner says CEOs are asleep at the wheel

At the recent Gartner Summit they talked about the Nexus of Forces which are changing the face of business: “A Nexus of converging forces — social, mobile, cloud and information — is building upon and transforming user behavior while creating new business opportunities.” I covered this in more detail in a recent blog Gartner Nexus […]

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The cost of not knowing

I am exposed to organizations doing some very innovative things with their organizational processes. They are state-of-the-art in managing leveraging process-improvement tools, such as Lean, Six Sigma, or other homegrown or hybrid improvement methodologies. They focus a great deal of effort in refining processes, better managing processes, and/or reducing waste from their organizational processes. I […]

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The next wave of process strategy

When it comes to operational improvement, organizations today are light years ahead of where they were two decades ago, but there’s no time to celebrate yesterday’s wins. They won’t immunize your organization against this decade’s march of ongoing progress. That’s because information technology — not just the Internet, but also mobile devices, “big data” for […]

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Quick, to the social media bunker!

Fascinating to see social media climb from adolescence to the point where major corporations are maintaining Houston Control-like centers to respond to social media. From sports teams to corporations, this is the new reality. A CNN Money story cites Dell’s version: Dell’s social media ground control and command center in Round Rock, Texas, has a total of […]

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Process: Holding out for a hero?

A recent blog post by Seth Godin (@ThisIsSethsBlog) created one of the “POW!” moments for me. The writeup was about organizations that always deal with “problems,” and what happens when there are no more problems to solve. Problem solvers don’t function well when they don’t have any problems to solve. They often seem lost. We’re […]

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In services, the sale is only the beginning

The good salesperson is truly result-oriented. He doesn’t stop till he gets things done. So he fights a hard fight – though I am sure he would claim it was a ‘right fight’. He pushes and edges his way forward. He calls and counsels and goads. He knows when to sell hard. He knows when […]

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IT’s shrinking slice of the pie

Impatience. That’s the worst thing that can happen to a CIO and his IT department. In the old days the CIO was responsible for everything that managed information, commanded an enormous budget and sat in a very tall chair at the CEO’s table. This was the norm until the ‘Internet of things’ took over and […]

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Habit forming

Ever dreamt an amazing invention or a catchy song? You wake up with every intention of harnessing the idea — “OMG, it’s amazing” — but you can’t find a pen or a piece of paper. Or your dog jumps on the bed so you just blindly start your routine and take her out for a […]

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Treat organisational change like an Olympic sport, just make sure you pick the right event first

Organizational change is an ‘athlon’, made up of several events and not a sprint. BPM Redux on the London 2012 Olympics and what to expect from business.

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A Strategy for Another Time

Yesterday, I stopped in at my favorite vacation coffee shop in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Looking around, I was suddenly struck that seven out of the eight laptops on the tables were Macs. This sea change in computer preferences is not just limited to hipsters you might expect to find at a coffee shop in a […]

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Is the social enterprise relevant to you?

Last week, I listened to SAP’s weekly radio program, In the Cloud with Game-Changers, and the topic was the social enterprise. The program featured a panel of the following very talented social business experts: Brent Leary, Partner at CRM Essentials Sameer Patel, Global VP of Enterprise Social Software at SAP Dr. Natalie Petouhoff, Social Media […]

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