Tag Archives: Marketing

Why are marketers still awful at what they do?

Every day we get to see misdirected, mindless marketing material. You’d think with all of the conversation about Big Data and analytics, we’d be past that by now, but it doesn’t feel like we are. Why isn’t Big Data changing our world in more visible ways? Why aren’t analytics being used to target the right […]

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Going back in customer experience time

We spent the past two weeks in Peru and had a great chance to go back in customer experience time. For people accustomed to shopping, traveling and searching for information (often while shopping and traveling), Peru was a stark contrast to what we have in our constantly connected, information-enriched and very loyalty-driven world in the […]

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Segmentation: everyone shops for a different reason

Customers are rarely a homogenous group. They differ greatly in revenue potential, levels of loyalty, and frequency of contact. What makes loyalty work, therefore, is an ability to segment your customers usingpowerful analytics. Segmentation allows the right amount of effort and right offers to be applied in the right moments to the right customers. Knowing […]

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Customer engagement requires knowing your crowd

How well do you know your customers? While most brands would say they know their ideal shopper, how many can break down their customer engagement into finely tuned segments based on analytics? Some can, but too many are still behind the curve when it comes to having the loyalty platform to gather data, visualize and discover patterns of people […]

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There are two kinds of customer loyalty

There’s an enormous amount of buzz in the marketplace around loyalty. But how many of the conversations make the distinction between the two kinds: one of them that’s good for the moment and the other that’s good for the long haul? Knowing the difference has a real impact on how a brand designs, implements, and […]

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3 reasons loyalty programs aren’t an option

If you happened to be at TUCON 2013, TIBCO’s user conference, you heard about Turning Customers into Fans from Head of Client Technical Services Wen Miao. In Miao’s words, “It is no longer acceptable to have only a transactional relationship with customers.” He’s absolutely correct. We are in an age where we can use our loyalty platform as the […]

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Loyalty marketing and picking pumpkins for Halloween

Would you associate loyalty marketing with Halloween? You will when you finish reading this. When we were kids we headed each October to the local farms to find the perfect pumpkin for Halloween. The biggest constraint was the size of the pumpkin…it was a rule that we had to be able to carry our choice […]

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It’s no longer acceptable to have only a transactional relationship with customers

TIBCO Head of Client Technical Services Wen Miao took the stage this week at TUCON 2013 to talk about TIBCO’s focus on Turning Customer Into Fans. Wen started with the following: “Every company has customers. However, in the 21st Century, it is no longer acceptable to have only a transactional relationship with customers. TIBCO wants […]

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Which marketing platforms are here to stay?

The sheer number of marketing applications offered as downloads or services is exploding. Everyone wants in on the real-time marketing game, likely because as the U.S. and the world come out of an extended economic downturn, there are few places more ripe for automation leading to efficiency than how we market and sell goods. What’s more, the […]

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Do your customers seek you out?

How much does customer loyalty bring your business to your stores, site or app versus how often you seek out the customer? If you’re achieving meaningful customer engagement and your loyalty programsare working, the balance will be in your favor. Being Sought We’ve worked hard to help people accidentally find us. Search engine optimization (SEO) is as old […]

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Why Customer Experience Management and Why Right Now?

You run a successful business, your customers are primarily repeat offenders, and your marketing department is giving you everything you ask for. Why would you care about doing more around customer engagement and, more importantly, why would you do it right now? These are great questions that customer loyalty marketers should be asking themselves. After all, who […]

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4 Secrets of Killer Loyalty Programs

Few things hold more promise right now than Big Data, mobility, social platforms, and cloud computing. Their impact on brand loyalty and customer engagement management is enormous. The reasons aren’t that hard to figure out and look like this: Big Data brings a rich tapestry of information together at the perfect moments for customer engagement. […]

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Surprise: iOS 7 and the iPhone 5S are a Killer Customer Engagement Platform

Apple gave customer engagement management a tremendous boost with its release of the iPhone 5S and iOS 7, and most people don’t even realize it. While much of the world is talking about the smartphone’s fingerprint sensor and other obvious features, Apple quietly (very quietly, in fact) introduced much faster, separate processors that make their […]

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The intersection of marketing and Big Data

There are few topics hotter than Big Data. There are few professions being transformed by Big Data more than marketing, with the conversation rapidly shifting to customer engagement through loyalty programs; these include mobile, social, and other channel data as part of an omni-channel loyalty platform. Just as quickly as we digitize our world, we […]

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