Tag Archives: integration

One guy’s summary of TUCON 2013

TIBCO’s TUCON 2013 in Las Vegas wrapped up on Thursday and today, two days later, I’ve had the chance to reflect on what was most interesting. Here are my takeaways: Civilization 3.0 In the opening keynote, CEO Vivek Ranadivé told the audience that we’re entering a new era that he called Civilization 3.0. He broke earlier […]

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After the Great Recession comes the Great Integration

Are you ready for the Great Integration? To realize how absolutely crucial data integration has become, you need to first think back to the mid-2000′s. The hot conversation was around service-oriented architecture (SOA) and the benefits of loosely coupled business systems that that allowed information to flow between applications and databases through reusable interfaces built […]

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Cloud without integration is a data brick wall

Is that surprising? To anyone who’s using Software as a Service (SaaS), data silos are just as much of a problem as they were for applications a decade ago. Ironic, isn’t it, that we’ve come so far and yet are recreating the data silos of the last generation? A survey published in Integration Developer News […]

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Threading the mobile needle with service gateways

It’s ridiculous, when you think about it…craziness. We expect our business and personal information to be available through a little device, our chosen smartphone, anytime, anywhere. Likewise, organizations expect any system on the organization’s ‘backend’ to be available to any employee, partner or customer…on any device… on the ‘front end’, 24 x 7, with no […]

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6 warning signs that your technology is headed south

A recent blog talked about how technology is creating a sharper divide between the haves and have-nots in an increasingly global, increasingly data-focused economy. For some companies, the cloud, social, mobile and big data are bringing the best of times. For those trapped on the wrong side of change, it will be the worst of […]

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Integration is everything in a mobile, social, cloud and big data world

We live in a world where business is moving faster each and every day. The time frames of the pre-Internet age where phones and fax were the norm would seem impossibly slow today. Unfortunately, it’s worse than that. While the speed of business picks up, there are new challenges that make managing information and decisions […]

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Integration: I’m sexy and I know it

I’m a technology guy who tries to keep up with every booming tech startup, acquisition by a major player, and new version of top-selling software. I’ve watched waves of technology crash on the shore of commerce and government. Why am I telling you this? The conversation we’re not having I’m confident I’ve been left with […]

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Gartner tells us where Cloud integration is headed

Gartner’s Massimo Pezzini spoke this morning at the AADI Conference in London on the topic of why integration is even more critical in the ever-expanding world of cloud computing. Pezzini started out by commenting that application integration was a science that we were finally beginning to master just as the game changed with the arrival […]

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Can IT organizations deliver business outcomes?

The Gartner AADI Conference in London kicked off this morning with a keynote on how to bring IT organizations into the future. The first speaker, Gartner’s David Mitchell Smith, started off by asking the question, “Are you comfortable?” The crowd didn’t respond for the most part but Smith didn’t wait very long before following up […]

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The technology conversation we’re not having

‘Integration’ is the conversation we’re not having. In Big Data is Distracting Us from the Real Conversation yesterday by TIBCO CTO Matt Quinn, the point was made that the world is easily distracted by over-hyped technology that gets enormous press and budgets but isn’t necessarily at the core of what’s needed for many companies. Imagine […]

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Life is but a stream and the enterprise needs to dive in

Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff announced last week that Chatter will become the de-facto front end of Salesforce going forward. In a statement Benioff talked about the rise of how people are connecting and the use of platforms like Twitter and Facebook, all of which are based on streams of user activity. He then went on to […]

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It takes two to design an app? Um…duh…what about integration?

At the Structure Data Conference this morning, Kleiner Perkins partner Michael Abbott encouraged people to think about apps from the perspective of engineers and designers. What strikes me about his comment is how nothing has changed from the early days in technology, where everyone agreed the end user experience needs to be managed alongside the […]

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The automobile is dead, long live the auto-mobile

How many times have you stared at the features list of an Audi or BMW and played with their online configuration game trying to create the most expensive version ? Even trying to spec the sounds system and associated functions is mind-boggling I find it amusing and yet somewhat odd that the focus is on the […]

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Salesforce extends the definition of CRM

Just today it was announced that Salesforce.com acquired the French content integration solution EntropySoft. First reported on VentureBeat, this story shows how CRM continues to be an expand from its initial boundaries as a way to manage one enterprise’s sales funnel and forecast. EntropySoft brings Salesforce.com an ability to normalize access to content repositories with […]

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