Tag Archives: information technology

What does Gartner forecast for 2013?

Gartner this week revealed its predictions for 2013 (and beyond). From their role at the intersection of technology and technology consumers, they have a relatively unique perspective on what’s coming next. Not too surprisingly, Gartner predicts that social, mobile, cloud and information are the Nexus of Forces that will drive change in the enterprise. You […]

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The future of work is social: An interview with a BPM CEO

I recently interviewed Matt on his thoughts on BPM, Enterprise Social and where it’s all heading for the future. Matt has been the President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board since founding Appian in 1999. Mr. Calkins also serves on the MicroStrategy Board of Directors. He has a B.A. with honors in Economics from Dartmouth, […]

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Let’s implant microchips in our kids!

Just kidding, but I got your attention. Also, full disclosure, I’m from Texas. You may have seen the recent news story on the use of RFID student badges (not implanted microchips) in a school district in San Antonio, Texas. You can read a summary here. Enter Financial Pressures The main driver behind the school district […]

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Why the COO hates Christmas

Following on from the recent blog Why the CIO hates Christmas. So in the cheery spirit of Christmas, I thought I’d turn my attention to the COO or Operations Director: The one who keeps the wheels turning, no matter how much grit is thrown into the innermost workings. So why do COOs hate Christmas? It […]

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Keeping up with the little guys

The following is a guest post by Sukki Sandhar, a London-based technology executive with extensive experience in the global wireless telecom market in business development, sales and industry marketing. Sukki’s years of both product and customer-facing work in a highly dynamic technology space give him great insights into how software is created, sold and used. Having […]

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Why the CIO hates Christmas

Bah humbug There are many reasons you could hate Christmas; the endless adverts for electronics, clothing and jewelry started in late October and every shop is playing Christmas carols nonstop. The Company Christmas Party which Jeremy Clarkson described as “It is the damp log in the fire, the mould on the smoked salmon, the advertisement in the […]

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Gartner says CEOs are asleep at the wheel

At the recent Gartner Summit they talked about the Nexus of Forces which are changing the face of business: “A Nexus of converging forces — social, mobile, cloud and information — is building upon and transforming user behavior while creating new business opportunities.” I covered this in more detail in a recent blog Gartner Nexus […]

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More than Big Data, the challenge is Ubiquitous Data

If you’ve watched this blog over the past year and a half, you know we’ve written a great deal about social, mobile, big data, analytics, cloud, Platform as a Service, process, and more recently, the Internet of Things. While these topics seem to cover a wide variety of technologies and business models, they actually cover […]

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Gartner Nexus of Forces. Scarier than Halloween.

Scared. Threatened. Dragged out of your comfort zone. Struggling to make sense of the future. You should be. The opening keynote was inspiring, theatrical and terrifying in equal measure. The key theme for Gartner’s annual Symposium IT Expo in Orlando last week and this week in Barcelona for nearly 10,000 delegates was the Nexus of […]

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Big Data that actually works

I had the pleasure of seeing a presentation by The Nielsen Company (NLSN) as part of TIBCO’s sponsorship of the 2012 Gartner Symposium ITxpo in Orlando, Florida. Ken Rabolt, Chief Data Architect to the CTO of Nielsen presented on Nielsen’s move from independent IT systems spanning 110 countries to a consolidated market research platform that […]

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I need one of those!

I remember the pain of writing essays in high school. It went something like this. Draft a 3 point, 3 to 5 page first draft by hand. Type the draft up using my Brother typewriter. Turn it in. Get the comments from Mr. Jones, my English teacher. Make manual corrections. Type it up again. Repeat. […]

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Silicon-based versus carbon-based customer service

Recently my iMod* stopped working. And as it was expensive and modified in the US I wasn’t too comfortable giving it to just anybody to fix. So I asked around and the iPod Surgery was recommended. [ *iPod with internal electronics replaced with hifi components by RedWine Audio – yes I am a hifi nerd […]

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The vendor questions you must ask

The following is a guest post by John Gomez and was first published on HIS Talk as HIT Integration Analysis Guide. Over the past several months, one of the biggest questions I have gotten regarding the state of HIT is related to platform and technical integration. Specifically, the debate related to single platform vs. an […]

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