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Mobility requires a different kind of infrastructure

The following is a guest post by Sean O’Shaughnessey. With the launch of the iPhone 5S, consumers have been treated to yet another leap forward in technology and ease of use, but that creates a problem as well. Enterprise consumers of mobile applications are setting their expectations of performance based on popular consumer applications on […]

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Integration #FAIL – Part 2: Lying in the path of an oncoming bus

Rhianna Richards is a copywriter and editor based in San Francisco. She spends most of her time simplifying the complex and writing about the crazy world of enterprise tech. With what’s left, she tries to figure out why. Formerly in high-tech PR, she has extensive experience in corporate communication strategy and always encourages the proper […]

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Integration #FAIL – Part 1: Forgetting the E in ESB

Rhianna Richards is a copywriter and editor based in San Francisco. She spends most of her time simplifying the complex and writing about the crazy world of enterprise tech. With what’s left, she tries to figure out why. Formerly in high-tech PR, she has extensive experience in corporate communication strategy and always encourages the proper […]

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4 tips B2B marketers can borrow from the B2C world

The world of B2B marketing is colliding with the world of B2C marketing. That is, the lines between B2B and B2C are starting to blur. We’ve seen this happen in a variety of ways. For instance, B2C marketers were among the early adopters of social media and hit the ground running to connect with their […]

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Big Data comes in three flavors

In our love affair with all things Big Data we easily forget the nuances that make it more about ubiquitous data than anything else. The oversimplification of the term is what frustrates many. Just last weekend Forrester’s John Rymer penned Big Data: The Worst Category Name Ever. Strong words? Not really. The term Big Data […]

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Big Data must not be an elephant riding a bicycle

Forrester’s John Rymer sums up his opinion succinctly when he says, “Big Data: The worst category name ever.” It certainly has challenges in name and how people conceive of it. Big Data as the hype would have it, I call, “The elephant riding the bicycle.” I’ll give you the seven things you need to consider, […]

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SOA is back! (and critical to cloud, mobile, information and social)

Thomas Been is based in Paris, France and is an expert in service oriented architecture (SOA) and enterprise information architecture. Thomas has extensive international experience in technology sales, consulting, marketing and alliance management. Today, on stage at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo 2012 in Orlando, I was able to catch a great presentation by Anne Thomas […]

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Sir, you’ll need to prove to me that you’re dead

The following is a guest post by Dave Chamberlain. Dave has over 30 years of experience in all aspects of software including marketing, business development and creating and fostering business partnerships. He lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Life Insurance is a complex and highly regulated business. The basic premise is simple: You pay in while alive, […]

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Data: You can’t get it back once it’s gone

You’d have to be on another planet to miss the stories of data loss by major companies. It seems amazing that this could happen in an age of encryption, fire walls, and hyper-high tech security. Yet it does. As a consumer and technology professional, I’ve witnessed first hand that Data Loss Prevention (DLP) software, designed […]

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An ounce of B2B prevention

Benjamin Franklin’s quote, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is as true today as it was when Franklin made the statement. Many use the quote when referring to health, but Franklin actually was addressing fire safety. At the time, Philadelphia had a very poor record for fire prevention. Franklin’s concept resulted […]

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Making your organization faster

In a slower world, weeks, months and even years were enough time to fix an organizational problem. It took enormous amounts of time for a company to grow or to go away and there was always a sense that a new leader, product or a change in the economy could turn things around. Those days […]

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Continental and United are a warning to others

As a long-time frequent flyer on United, I had a front row seat for their merger with Continental. This was one adventure that for which I didn’t make a reservation and a trip I didn’t have the option to skip. With years of miles behind me, I wasn’t about to start over with another carrier […]

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