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Frustrated With Your Shopping Experience? It Doesn’t Have to Be this Way.

The following is a guest post by Sean O’Shaughnessey. I admit it, I hate shopping. When my wife hands me a list for the grocery store I am convinced she is trying to punish me for some past transgression. I know better than to argue with her though, so I dutifully head to the store. […]

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Will we see a ‘Facebook Phone’ for the enterprise ?

So it’s expected that Facebook will unveil a not very well kept secret at their event today; a Facebook ‘phone’ manufactured by HTC with deeper integration with Google’s Android OS. What it promises is more ‘ambient alerts’ and an accelerated social life. All well and good for the consumer market but it presents its own […]

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The technology conversation we’re not having

‘Integration’ is the conversation we’re not having. In Big Data is Distracting Us from the Real Conversation yesterday by TIBCO CTO Matt Quinn, the point was made that the world is easily distracted by over-hyped technology that gets enormous press and budgets but isn’t necessarily at the core of what’s needed for many companies. Imagine […]

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Webscale means having time-based architectures

In an interesting piece yesterday, GigaOM reported that Netflix has an architecture built around timelines. This struck home for a guy who spends a great deal of time talking to people skeptical about the need for zero latency, real-time systems. The truth is that some things have to go at the highest speeds and others […]

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Google goes skiing with resort maps…here’s why

Google announced that it added trail maps for 100 more ski resorts today, bringing their total to 225 maps. If you think this is for the convenience of skiers, think again. Few resorts are complex enough to require a map once you’ve skied a few runs. Google knows that map data holds the key to […]

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If you don’t embrace mobile your business will remain forever stuck

Here are some interesting numbers from a variety of sources. 70% of all mobile searches result in action within 1 hour. 70% of online searches result in action in one month. 61% of customers who visit a mobile unfriendly site are likely to go to a competitor’s site. 71% of smartphone users that see a captivating TV, […]

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SoLoMo is here and you probably don’t know what it really means

SoLoMo is the combination of social, local and mobile technology and became hot about a year ago because of the rapid rise of smartphones and geo-location technology. Because we can know exactly where we are (and our apps know as well), search results can be completely localized. This is a very democratizing development as even […]

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Mobile technology is even changing the job landscape

We’ve heard the predictions of a mobile revolution but like many hype cycles, the changes come more slowly or catch up to the hype quietly. The use of mobile technology is at the point now where the hype is receding and the effects are here and strongly felt. A very good article in the Wall […]

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Do you really think you have a privacy right when you shop ?

This week a US Senator wrote to a tech firm which tracks and monitors consumers and asked them to change their practices. Euclid Analytics uses technology and data to help retailers build a consumer relationship by turning in-store behavior into insights and recommendations for improving marketing, merchandising, and operations. They do this by using the […]

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5 Apps Your Employees Should Start Using Today

The following is a guest post. Countless apps are now available on the market – at least 300,000 have been developed over the past three years alone according to Source Digital Buzz. In an increasingly mobile world, many modern workers use apps their smartphones or mobile devices for business purposes. This makes it easy for […]

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Manage the apps not the device to avoid a BYOD risk headache

“You’ve gone BYOD, now what ? I’ll tell you what, you get nuked on security, that’s what.” - Patrick Lujan According to a recent survey conducted by Apperian Inc. over 65% of respondents used mobile apps in the enterprise, with 35% saying that they had developed between 1 and 3 in-house and a significant 51% […]

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The automobile is dead, long live the auto-mobile

How many times have you stared at the features list of an Audi or BMW and played with their online configuration game trying to create the most expensive version ? Even trying to spec the sounds system and associated functions is mind-boggling I find it amusing and yet somewhat odd that the focus is on the […]

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QR codes are losing to Near Field Communication (NFC)

Just as some of the world realized what QR codes actually are, the shift is happening toward Near Field Communication (NFC) instead. That was quick. It was also necessary. QR codes just haven’t taken off the way the industry envisioned. In an age of consumer empowerment, you don’t tell people what to use or embrace…they’ll […]

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Rovio mixup creates Clever Birds and Angry Marketing

When Little Big Planet first came out on the PS3 I saw the immediate opportunity to build community worlds based on brands. Nobody I talked to saw it. Who knew…because yesterday Rovio, the makers of the insanely addictive Angry Birds mobile games announced the creation of a new advertising division, The Advertising Partnership Team, and will open its […]

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