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Honesty — yes, there’s even an app for that

Data has so many purposes, but I hadn’t spent much time thinking about the way Big Data enforces honesty. Tracking? Sure. Transparency? Definitely. But data gives us something else, too, that isn’t talked about as much…honesty. The ability to instantly verify that a human being is acting in a way that we should trust. The […]

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Twitter testing Nearby as an awesome advertising tool

The Wall Street Journal blog today reported that Twitter is testing a service called Nearby that will allow users to share location. Time magazine described it this way: “Nearby” includes a map on the upper-half of the screen with a blue dot marking the user’s location, while the bottom half reveals a feed of recent local […]

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The surprising new way we can target a mobile shopper

It’s official. Apple’s recently and quietly released new iBeacon tech has been deployed as ShopBeacon by shopkick. First a little about shopkick…it is an app that offers customers “kicks” that translate to points for performing the act of browsing for information on a retailer. The customer can redeem kicks for gift cards for allowing the […]

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Suddenly, mobile location got really, really easy

We all know retail is being transformed by mobile technology and big data…that story is being told pretty much everywhere. Some of the biggest changes, however, are the ones happening very quietly and without hype. The recent release of Apple’s iOS7 gave us iBeacons, something Apple didn’t shout about publicly but is clearly the reason […]

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Dawn of the wearable device

Wearable devices promise to make computing more personal than ever before. The market is led by a surge in health and fitness innovations that can track your lifestyle, like the Jawbone UP, and by healthcare devices that can measure your glucose level and other vital signs. Few wearables have gotten more attention than Google Glass, […]

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Location, location, location: There will be no coincidences

A few years back we were walking through London’s Heathrow and just happened to run into a good friend we never expected to see. Millions pass through that airport every year and we’re certain that we’ve narrowly missed an acquaintance many times before. Coincidence was king before our modern times. The world is increasingly becoming […]

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