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Got a goal? Live it every day

I just completed one of the most inspiring runs of my life. Not fast. Not far. But it left me with a lesson I’ll carry forever. So how does this relate to business? We’ll get there. Just stick with me… Running with a purpose This morning I shared a pre-dawn jog with Kathy DeFrancisco on […]

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Google goes skiing with resort maps…here’s why

Google announced that it added trail maps for 100 more ski resorts today, bringing their total to 225 maps. If you think this is for the convenience of skiers, think again. Few resorts are complex enough to require a map once you’ve skied a few runs. Google knows that map data holds the key to […]

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Avoid being a Super Bowl loser

Super Bowl Sunday has arrived and many of you will in front of a big screen at home, in a bar or maybe even (but unlikely) at the game. As a Brit looking in from the outside, I can’t quite fathom what I see. The focus isn’t on the game and instead is on which […]

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We must become our own CIO’s

I recently co-authored a blog post for HBR on the marketplace for privacy where we assert that there is a price to be paid for your health-related information. Technology is a key driver to participating wisely in privacy commerce, so you will need to become your own CIO to make sure you know when to […]

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Absolutely everyone, everything is a social, mobile network

A few months back the Golden State Warriors launched their iPhone app and quietly ushered in a new era of mobility for the Warriors fan. The fan’s connection to the team now extends beyond the game and brings a higher level experience that includes special offers, exclusive content and interaction around polls and social media. […]

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Dinosaurs made extinct by Big Data

Over the weekend we watched Moneyball with Brad Pitt. If you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend it. This movie is the ideal platform to explain Big Data and why it matters. It can a be a struggle to see through the hype of any new concept and understand what’s real. As is usually the […]

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The End of Football as We Know It

First published in the Harvard Business Review. As much as companies like to tell you the customer is king, that’s hardly true in most industries. Instead, major players put enormous effort into narrowing our choices — selling us on what they have to offer. These efforts are obvious in the bricks and mortar world, where retailers control […]

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Technology learns to ski with #social #mobile and #data

On a recent trip to Mammoth Mountain, California, I had a first-hand look at mobile, social and data at work. I’m a lifelong skier. I fell for the sport as a child and never looked back. I worked on farms in Upstate New York where I grew up just to buy my equipment and I […]

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