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Big Data: the shift from ocean to stream will hit you like a tsunami

So the fabled Mary Meeker powerpoint tome hit the internet at the D11 conference this week and if you have the patience to wade through the stats the messages are pretty clear: it’s a wearable, shareable future for mankind. But there’s a shift in how people are willing to share now. Share it. Delete it. […]

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Your prospects don’t care about your sales process — maybe you shouldn’t either

One of my friends thinks ‘Sales’ is about talking. Another person I follow on Twitter thinks it is about ‘convincing’ the customer. I wince every time I hear someone characterize an engaging, fluent, fast talking, bloke as ‘sales material’. Sales, as you might agree(especially if you are in sales yourself), is really not any of […]

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Is your technology past a heavy burden to carry around?

Gartner’s AADI Conference kicked off this morning at the Park Plaza in London with the keynote Gartner Keynote: Integrate the Past. Embrace the Present. Shape the Futuredelivered by Gartner’s Andy Kyte and David Mitchell Smith. Kyte and Smith talked about the Nexus of Forces (cloud, mobile, social and information) that is driving both change and uncertainty. […]

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Your organization doesn’t need to be at war with itself

Author Gene Kim has a lot to say about the DevOps Movement. He recently published The Phoenix Project as his treatise on exactly how technology organizations can speed development in a way that meets the business needs without all of the infighting and without ignoring stability, reliability and security. Anyone who’s been in technology knows […]

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LinkedIn acquires Pulse, kills Groups and becomes context king

LinkedIn confirmed it’s acquisition of the news reader app Pulse this week, a deal valued at approximately $90 million, 90% in the form of company stock and 10% in cash. While it’s not immediately clear where this will lead the Pulse team state “We’re still working together on the product you love, and will continue […]

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Will we see a ‘Facebook Phone’ for the enterprise ?

So it’s expected that Facebook will unveil a not very well kept secret at their event today; a Facebook ‘phone’ manufactured by HTC with deeper integration with Google’s Android OS. What it promises is more ‘ambient alerts’ and an accelerated social life. All well and good for the consumer market but it presents its own […]

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If you’re a loser online…you’re just a loser

While writing a recommendation for a friend on LinkedIn earlier this week, I realized I was doing something that I couldn’t have imagined doing few years ago. You’re probably thinking, ‘Sure, it’s not like LinkedIn has been around forever’. But it wasn’t about LinkedIn. It was more about the recommendation itself. It was for someone […]

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When opposites don’t attract: The app vs The platform

The IT world is a dichotomy. On one hand we have our peers and educators telling us that to learn to code creates a foundation for entry into the world of the software business and yet in our own enterprise domain we yearn for the ability to create without code. Take a look at the […]

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Best advice: learn to code first

“Hello world” is a not-so-secret phrase used by people who’ve learned to read and write computer code and generated that phrase as their first achievement. “Coding” is the term used by people who really do it and anyone using the phrase “computer programming” probably has no idea what it really involves. Commodore Pets My coding […]

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Unlocking the advantages of BPM

Put the ‘BPM as a Concept’ aside for a bit and look at BPMs tech-related benefits. One of the things at the top of your list is likely to be how it is a Rapid Application Development platform and how it helps you quickly put together process based solutions with much less development effort than […]

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Manage the apps not the device to avoid a BYOD risk headache

“You’ve gone BYOD, now what ? I’ll tell you what, you get nuked on security, that’s what.” - Patrick Lujan According to a recent survey conducted by Apperian Inc. over 65% of respondents used mobile apps in the enterprise, with 35% saying that they had developed between 1 and 3 in-house and a significant 51% […]

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Apple can do what $27 billion in Federal funding hasn’t

The “Consumerization of IT” was an employee-led revolution. Personal and business technology were leveraged by the employees to improve their own productivity, forcing IT to respond to ensure corporate standards were followed and intellectual property was protected. IT played catch up because they had no choice. Let’s take that example and consider the challenge to […]

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Tesla punches NY Times in their Internet of Things

The results are in. Elon Musk has posted a damning response to the NYT test drive report by John Broder which basically points out one glaring fact: it was all a lie. In his blog post, A Most Peculiar Test, Elon lays out counter-arguments for each point that Broder brought up in his review after examining […]

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There won’t be a ‘next version of the Web’

In an excellent post on Wired, David Gelernter makes the argument that we’re approaching The End of the Web, Search and Computer as We Know It. In what sounds like a science-fiction statement, Gelernter says that, “The space-based web we currently have will be gradually replaced by a time-based worldstream.” We have evidence of what […]

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