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Duck Dynasty and Africa: freedom of speech in the digital age

It was quite a week for freedom of speech. From Duck Dynasty to AIDS in Africa, we had plenty to hate, love and every emotion in-between. If you read the story this morning, a PR executive boarded a flight from London to Cape Town but before she took off, tweeted out the message, “Going to […]

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Avon’s $125 million fiasco with SAP

Just today the Wall Street Journal reported that Avon is halting the rollout of an SAP upgrade that ultimately will cost them up to $125 million. This is a messy story that isn’t unique in the market. From the WSJ: Avon began using the new order management software system in Canada in the second quarter. […]

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When another 2 billion join the connected world

We’re in Peru on vacation and enjoyed Machu Picchu just today. What struck us throughout this trip is the level of connectedness, even in the more remote areas of the country. We bought local rail tickets from an iPhone, texted from the Incan ruins and made it back in time to catch the World Series (in […]

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One guy’s summary of TUCON 2013

TIBCO’s TUCON 2013 in Las Vegas wrapped up on Thursday and today, two days later, I’ve had the chance to reflect on what was most interesting. Here are my takeaways: Civilization 3.0 In the opening keynote, CEO Vivek Ranadivé told the audience that we’re entering a new era that he called Civilization 3.0. He broke earlier […]

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Is mobile retail starting to grow up?

It really takes two things for mobile retail to become the norm…it has to be high on the agenda of the major brands and it has to be an expectation of the consumer. We’re making progress on both fronts. A recent survey by Internet Retailer shows that 79% of retailers now find mobile commerce important, […]

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Technology, not politicians, will rescue healthcare

Watching the political theater in the US Capitol one has to wonder if there may not be a legislative solution for the American healthcare system. It seems as a country or government that we’re unable to agree on the approach or even on the scale of the problem. But there has to be something more […]

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After the Great Recession comes the Great Integration

Are you ready for the Great Integration? To realize how absolutely crucial data integration has become, you need to first think back to the mid-2000′s. The hot conversation was around service-oriented architecture (SOA) and the benefits of loosely coupled business systems that that allowed information to flow between applications and databases through reusable interfaces built […]

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A glimpse inside the retail bank of the future

In previous blogs we referred to the operating models of retail banks by identifying certain product and channel features that drive the changes in the industry. This post will focus on the evolving operating model and the impacts it has on people, process and enabling capabilities, which is more than the technology that drives most […]

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Suddenly, mobile location got really, really easy

We all know retail is being transformed by mobile technology and big data…that story is being told pretty much everywhere. Some of the biggest changes, however, are the ones happening very quietly and without hype. The recent release of Apple’s iOS7 gave us iBeacons, something Apple didn’t shout about publicly but is clearly the reason […]

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3 reasons I started my own company

The following is a guest blog by Darius Salehipour. In March 2012, I started my first day of user experience and interface design at a company in Palo Alto. That first day on the job I realized how much I needed to learn. After researching the oceans of new “user-centered thinking” articles and books, I […]

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The tech landscape will be very different within two years

It would be hard to find a better time to be in IT than right now. That’s only true, though, if you believe that significant changes is good and aren’t wed to the status quo. Big change is coming and with big change comes insecurity, for sure, but also big opportunity. These are some of […]

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Can predictive analytics and Big Data help salespeople improve outreach?

While doing my morning reading, I came across Jeanne Roué-Taylor’s article, What good is marketing insight without action? In the article, Jeanne notes that, “A great model brings together data from several sources, feeds analytics, makes predictions, enables test-and-learn scenarios, and allows the organization to adapt as data, channels, and other factors change over time. […]

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IT is eating corporate strategy

IT has never been a bigger part of what a company does to compete. That doesn’t necessarily mean the IT department…but your information technology, no matter how it gets delivered and by whom. Driven by social, mobile, big data, and whatever comes next, IT is more core than ever. Will that continue? In order to […]

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Are retail banks on course for an omni-channel revolution?

The following is a guest post by Sandesh Sharanappa. The banking industry is poised for a sea change as a result of the changing global and national regulations, demanding customers, disruptive technologies and the arrival of non-traditional players offering retail banking services. The industry faces a challenge in providing seamless customer experience, becoming truly customer […]

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