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The intersection of marketing and Big Data

There are few topics hotter than Big Data. There are few professions being transformed by Big Data more than marketing, with the conversation rapidly shifting to customer engagement through loyalty programs; these include mobile, social, and other channel data as part of an omni-channel loyalty platform. Just as quickly as we digitize our world, we […]

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Analytics at the core of customer engagement

There’s so much customer data around us, and it gets richer and faster each and every day. People are talking non-stop about Big Data and its many uses in various parts of the market. But what’s not really getting as much attention is how analytics are used to make loyalty platforms effective for meaningful customer […]

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Isn’t Big Data really about All Data?

Customer engagement involves having access to the information that allows right-time marketing to happen, based on interaction channel, context, and customer’s preferences. For some, this is the definition of Big Data’s role in creating brand loyalty, but what if the Big Data conversation wasn’t enough? Going Beyond the Data Set In a recent Venture Beat […]

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If your marketers aren’t geeks, get new marketers

Forget Don Draper and the 9 am bourbon (or two). Marketing is now a full-contact, data-enriched, personalized sport. As much as we’d love to rub elbows with the suave marketeer, the new reality is very different from even a few years ago. As one recent conference pitch put it, “The meek may inherit the earth […]

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Are you in the Marketing Dark Ages or the Marketing Renaissance?

It wasn’t long ago that marketing was all about the art of segmentation, message and ad spend. For some it still is, but for some clever marketers, the dark art days of marketing are over, replaced by customer engagement, real-time insight and right-time marketing. Science, in the form of data, analytics, prediction and action is […]

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Big data is just one of the CMO’s weapons

Big Data is only part of the CMO’s new armoury. It’s what you do with that information next that has the biggest impact on the entire customer experience. This is no longer your grandfather’s marketing campaign story. In order to understand customers better the data collected has to be put into context against their behaviour […]

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Can predictive analytics and Big Data help salespeople improve outreach?

While doing my morning reading, I came across Jeanne Roué-Taylor’s article, What good is marketing insight without action? In the article, Jeanne notes that, “A great model brings together data from several sources, feeds analytics, makes predictions, enables test-and-learn scenarios, and allows the organization to adapt as data, channels, and other factors change over time. […]

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What good is marketing insight without action?

The enormous amount of ink being spilled around Big Data often includes the phrase “amazing insights.” At the same time, there’s plenty being said about the need to know and respond to your customers in the timeframes that matter, aka customer loyalty management (CLM). While these ideas seem intuitive, too often, the ways we gain […]

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What does “the customer’s in charge” really mean?

We hear those words constantly in conversations about customer engagement. There’s a broad perception that changes in technology, and buying patterns have upset any previous balance in brand loyalty. Nowhere is this greater than in retail loyalty marketing, where an explosion of mobility and the growth of social media have blown away any short-lived loyalty […]

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A brand says to its customer: what have you done for me lately?

Today, I found out that a major electronics retailer no longer considers me a high-value customer. As I left the register, they reminded me that I had 15 days to return my items, a significantly shorter period than the last time I shopped. Surprised, I asked what had changed, and the clerk said, “Let me […]

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Marketers, let’s get real about conversions

Content marketing is a hot term and for good reason. We finally have the tools to digitally track our messages as they fly through the ether and to track responses coming back from anywhere and everywhere. Marketing is fully digital and, for the fortunate few, the way to fuel their business from the inside. But […]

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Misadventures in customer loyalty management

Recently, I had a great bad experience in brand social media use. It was great as a timely reminder of the danger of impersonal customer engagement, especially for someone who works in customer loyalty. It was bad because that lesson came at the expense of hours wasted at the airport. The Story My husband and I flew […]

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Marketing and the rise of the evangelist

Have you ever had to explain your job to your parents? That’s the ultimate acid test to see whether anyone understands what you do and I faced that last week when I announced to them my new role as Chief Evangelist of a leading enterprise software company. But as I explained what the title meant it began […]

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Why would Google offer free wifi at Starbucks?

Google and Starbucks are teaming up to offer free wifi at 7,000 coffee shops across the US and the move is brilliant. Starbucks offers excellent segmentation for Google as its customers are younger, trendier and willing to spend ridiculous sums on coffee. This move is similar to Google’s announcement last week that they’d be providing […]

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