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Daddy, are you still at work?

“Daddy, are you still at work?” A simple enough question. My children understand that if I am in my office, or I walk into the house after a business trip and am on the phone that I may still be at work. Have you noticed that the term “I am at work” has become a meaningless […]

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Where I work: it’s a madhouse

Following on from the LinkedIn INfluencer posts today I thought it would be interesting for the authors of Successful Workplace to share exactly the same, after all it’s not exclusive. So here goes; The nature of what I do, between consulting, advising and writing, means I can basically throw a hat and where it lands […]

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Is there a future for innovation ?

Have you noticed how tech savvy children have become but are no longer streetwise ? I read Jaisundar’s thoughts on his own site last week and there was a slight pang of regret in where technology and innovation seems to be leading us all. It was around the time I was trying to figure if […]

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It only seems like a step backward

Holidays are a fantastic time to get together with the people that you just somehow lost touch with during the year. We’ve been doing exactly that in a very intentional way. Today, however, was a special opportunity to have pizza at Mama’s in South Pasadena with Jon Dephouse, a friend who was diagnosed with a […]

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Updated: Lance Armstrong and the death of dreams

Updated 1/17/2013: We took an 8-year old to see Lance Armstrong win his seventh Tour de France in 2005. He read the biography and was inspired by the story of Lance’s come from behind victory over cancer and rise to the highest level of the toughest sport in the world. His excitement was wonderful. It […]

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