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Data and connectedness create a reputation Wild West

Welcome to 24 x 7 x 365 connectedness and the challenges that come with an always-on world. That world is generating data, loads of data. And the more we’re ‘on’, the more data, and the more reason to be ‘on’. It’s a never ending cycle of chasing our data tail. Evolving technology and people That […]

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Are you ready for the Quantified Enterprise ?

In September I wrote an article about The Social Business Equation. In it I explained how trust and transparency will likely be the new currency in this connected age as consumers and corporates engage with each other on deeper levels than before. Living in a cynical world you’ll begin to question just why businesses are being […]

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Turning pixels into atoms

That’s the creative tag line for Makie Lab, a UK-based startup that allows children to design their own custom dolls via the iPad, print them on a 3D printer, and have them delivered in the space of two weeks. It is a personalized service standout story. Space This service knows its audience. If there’s one […]

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LinkedIn buys Pulse and steps closer to being a content site

LinkedIn is reportedly buying Pulse, a news reading app that will move LinkedIn even closer to being a content site and not just the world’s resume and recruiting source. Adding that to the LinkedIn Influencers program that serves up content from influential folks and this represents major change just this year. This move tips their […]

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No business is too big to fail or too small to succeed – sobering stats on business failures

In a recent blog called Digital Disruption I talked about the issues that established companies have from start-ups unencumbered by assets, infrastructure and thinking that locks them in and prevents them from innovating. The ability to look at the current world through fresh eyes and identify the opportunities would seem to be perfect. Now is […]

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Benchmark to stay ahead of the disruption curve

Most of the information I read about disruption focuses on the fact it is happening all around us and warns that organizations should be prepared to deal with it. A quick read of the news tells me that it is already too late for some and getting very late for others. I’ve even written about […]

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Google says ‘Welcome to Cloud City’

Google knows what it’s doing. The Chromebook Pixel represents a step towards a completely cloud-based future, so much so that I’m willing to bet that in the next 5 years it will usher in Cloud Cities; towns and communities where the entire population have fully embraced an always on, mobile and cloud based infrastructure. The […]

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What price influence?

Over at Techcrunch there’s an interesting story of how Condé Nast has grown it’s portfolio of companies not through further media investment but instead with a niche fashion jeweler. It may sound like an odd choice, but given they also own Vogue, it makes perfect sense to marry media and jewelry audiences with each other. […]

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Navigating chaos and disruption

We all know them. The people who always find their way through transformation, disruption, and chaos while making it seem easy; just like another day. They are usually the person that you, your family, or your organization go to when things go crazy. They are able to stay calm, cool, collected, and have an uncanny […]

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The automobile is dead, long live the auto-mobile

How many times have you stared at the features list of an Audi or BMW and played with their online configuration game trying to create the most expensive version ? Even trying to spec the sounds system and associated functions is mind-boggling I find it amusing and yet somewhat odd that the focus is on the […]

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Software is eating your job

While we marvel about technology we can easily forget how disruptive it is for many people. Baby boomers are supposedly between 49 and 67 years old and spent some to most of their careers pre-Internet, pre-cell phone, pre-social, -cloud and -mobile…certainly pre-user-friendly analytics and big data. In many cases, we have a population still able […]

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How much infrastructure are you willing to throw away?

A torrent of conversations are taking place across every form of media about technology change rapidly taking place. You may think it’s always been that way, but there’s something much faster and more urgent happening right now. Some of those conversations come as discreet bits like this week’s rumor about the Apple ‘iWatch’ and others […]

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How dare you text when I’m speaking

Texting in meetings is considered by many to be unprofessional and rude. If there was any doubt, asking that question recently on LinkedIn released a torrent of emotion that made it clear that some people feel very, very strongly against it. After watching weeks of emphatic responses and a few descriptive comments on how texters […]

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Russian meteor strike proves the networks are old news

Early this morning the news broke that a meteor had streaked across the sky near Chelyabinsk, Russia and within minutes it was trending and video footage posted on YouTube (see below) went viral. People immediately followed the reports as fresh updates came in over Twitter and the social websites quickly took hold and posted up […]

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