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Why the COO hates Christmas

Following on from the recent blog Why the CIO hates Christmas. So in the cheery spirit of Christmas, I thought I’d turn my attention to the COO or Operations Director: The one who keeps the wheels turning, no matter how much grit is thrown into the innermost workings. So why do COOs hate Christmas? It […]

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Social Engagement Strategy: The Serious Business of Taking Things Lighter

Earlier this month, a Facebook user, Richard Neill put up a post that suddenly went viral. The post was a rant against Maxipad maker Bodyform alleging that they lied in their advertisements. Rather than just let it go and hope the 84,000 or so ‘likes’ would be forgotten with the next viral wave, Bodyform put up […]

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Looper teaches us the future of customer experience

I remember years ago watching Steven Seagal come back from a coma to kick Senate butt in Hard To Kill, and the particular scene where he scribbles an old proverb on the toilet seat that the anticipation of death is worse than death itself. Of course, it was a self-fulfilling prophesy, the evil senator is […]

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Don’t trade convenience for connection

Ben Zoldan wrote an interesting viewpoint on the effect of the mobility trend, in that becoming social and mobile is eroding the art of connection and communication. On the flipside, Brian Solis, a recognised marketing expert called the latest generation of consumers Gen C in a recent article, C standing for Connected. The truth is […]

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Infuse, not garnish: Mobility is no longer a peripheral add-on.

It must have been around a decade ago when I first received a ‘text alert’ from a bank on my mobile phone. My bank had let me register my mobile phone number with them for this and once they activated it, I started receiving text alerts after every credit card transaction I made. Today, I […]

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Digital disruption is coming to get you. Brace yourself.

Digital disruption is a concept highlighted in Forrester’s recent CIO Summit and UK Summit and is the subject of James L. McQuivey’s new book which is due to be published in January 2013. The key principles behind digital disruption are that it creates new business models, changes value streams, and is faster, more disruption and […]

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Silicon-based versus carbon-based customer service

Recently my iMod* stopped working. And as it was expensive and modified in the US I wasn’t too comfortable giving it to just anybody to fix. So I asked around and the iPod Surgery was recommended. [ *iPod with internal electronics replaced with hifi components by RedWine Audio – yes I am a hifi nerd […]

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When Process Goes Right

I’m sitting at the Denver International Airport with a big smile on my face. I flew into a large, unfamiliar airport and could have had a tough time. Keep in mind my airport of choice is John Wayne in Orange County with just 12 gates and in and out in 20 minutes. I’m spoiled. My […]

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