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benchmarking, type, cost, operational, strategic, internal, external

Benchmarking type best determined by your need

I’ve really enjoyed the conversations around the series focused on benchmarking, and I look forward to more points of view. One thing that has become very apparent is that benchmarking is defined very differently among the general public. Benchmarking defined based on your experience Those that have been involved in benchmarking tend to define it […]

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Benchmarking is too hard, so we don’t do it

There is a misconception that benchmarking is a very involved and arduous process. I’m not going to tackle that issue in the blog post; I’ll cover that in my next one. But, that is one of the largest barriers we hear from organizations wanting to use benchmarking to examine a real business problem. The Logic […]

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Benchmark to stay ahead of the disruption curve

Most of the information I read about disruption focuses on the fact it is happening all around us and warns that organizations should be prepared to deal with it. A quick read of the news tells me that it is already too late for some and getting very late for others. I’ve even written about […]

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