We live in a brave new social world, proven today by the death of Margaret Thatcher and the rise of the hashtag #NowThatchersDead. It seems too many people failed to capitalize the proper letters, leaving legions of Cher fans with the belief their idol left to join Sonny when they saw #nowthatchersdead. These are the problems of a highly technologically advanced society hooked on instantaneous news spread by informal media at 140 characters or less.
Things get lost in translation…or capitalization.
It seems social media has shown its Achilles heel, and it is capitalization. The same tools that can launch the Arab Spring can also send fans of a pop icon into unnecessary mourning. Folks, Cher can’t be dead, anyway…she keeps getting her parts replaced and is now less than 5% original Cher. She even told us when she sang, “If I could turn back time.” Clearly, she has.
Lest we think this is an isolated problem, the very same confusion can be spawned by something as innocent as #ilovetherapists.
“Folks, Cher can’t be dead, anyway…she keeps getting her parts replaced and is now less than 5% original Cher. She even told us when she sang, “If I could turn back time.” Clearly, she has.”
TOO funny!